This is how professionals do it

March 27th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink


Is there criticism to your decision or program? No need to provide an explanation, let alone finding a solution. That’s for amateurs.

Yes, professionals deflect criticisms simply by stating what should be obvious to everyone: Conspiracy. See how it’s done right here.

Congratulations, Pak Joko! You’ve now fully become a true politician. Enjoy this accomplishment!

Jakarta does not have floods, idiot!

October 9th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Flood in Muara Baru, Jakarta

Governor of Jakarta Mr. Fauzi Bowo has been very kind to point out to us that Jakarta does not have a flood problem. The excessive dampness you are seeing in the streets is a bit of water puddles here and there. Let’s not mix things up here folks. You know you’d be foolish to say the city is flooding when all that’s been happening is just some water that doesn’t drain quickly enough.

I guess when you ran on the platform of ‘Leave it to the experts’ for election, you have to constantly convince everyone that you are an expert. You really shouldn’t let the people judge you by what you’ve been doing. They are not smart enough to be able to differentiate between incremental improvements you have been making and a total mess of a city anyway.

Fokeexpert So here are some ideas. The people say you have failed them? Tell them there is difference between failing and not delivering. They are just not the same. Or they say you are not following through on your campaign promises? Tell them they are not looking hard enough!

Granted this may not make you look emphatic, especially when you’re quoted in the media. But so what? The media do not make people smarter anyway. They’re only good for sound bites right? They are no place for enlightened teachings on city planning jargons that you have to offer.

And of course saying these things may invite your opponents to say some foul things about you. But, pay no mind. If haters are not dissing you, who else will?

So please keep those inspiring words coming, Mr. Governor. Who knows, some of us idiots may end up learning enough from your wisdom that we can also be a governor like you!